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Bees, Wasps and Parasites of Britain - Page 1

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(Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761) (Stephens 1835)
Hymenoptera - Apidae Hymenoptera - Apidae Hymenoptera - Apidae Hymenoptera - Apidae Hymenoptera - Andrenidae
White-tailed Bumble Bee White-tailed Bumble Bee White-tailed Bumble Bee White-tailed Bumble Bee Hawthorn sawfly
Bombus lucorum Bombus lucorum Bombus lucorum Bombus lucorum Trichiosoma tibiale

Status: Resident in UK.

When Around: Spring through to Autumn.

Habitat: They inhabit gardens, hedgerows, parks woodland rides and clearings. Very often they  inhabit birds nests, holes in tree's and in the ground at the base of bushes.

Comment: Wide spread throughout most of Britain. This is probably our most common bumble bee.

(Muller 1766) (Muller 1766) (Muller 1766) (Stephens 1835) (Stephens 1835)
Hymenoptera - Andrenidae Hymenoptera - Andrenidae Hymenoptera - Andrenidae Hymenoptera - Andrenidae Hymenoptera - Andrenidae
Tawny Mining Bee Tawny Mining Bee Tawny Mining Bee Hawthorn sawfly Hawthorn sawfly
Andrena fulva Andrena fulva Andrena fulva Trichiosoma tibiale Trichiosoma tibiale

Status: Resident in UK.

When Around: Late March until August.

Habitat: Gardens, hedgerows, parks wood rides and clearings. Often they  inhabit birds nests, holes in tree's and in the ground at the base of bushes.

Comment: Wide spread and common in many parts of England and Wales, and is scarce in Scotland. The solitary female mines out the nest entrance, producing a series of volcano shaped mounds.

Status: Resident in UK.

When Around: Adults are on the wing from April until June.

Habitat: They inhabit scrubby places where the Hawthorn grows, the larvae feed upon its leaves.

Comment: This species of sawfly is widely distributed throughout the British Isles, and is quite common especially in the south.

(Fabricius 1804) (Fabricius 1804) (Fabricius 1804) (Fabricius 1804) (Fabricius 1804)
Hymenoptera - Crabronidae Hymenoptera - Crabronidae Hymenoptera - Crabronidae Hymenoptera - Crabronidae Hymenoptera - Crabronidae
Digger Wasp Digger Wasp Square-headed Wasp Square-headed Wasp Square-headed Wasp
Ectemnius continuus Ectemnius continuus Ectemnius ruficornis Ectemnius ruficornis Ectemnius ruficornis

Status: Resident in UK.

When Around: Adults are on the wing from May to October. They feed on other insects.

Habitat:  They inhabit wood land, hedgerows and other bushy places.

Comment: It is most common in southern England. Although scarcer and more localised it is also to be found in Wales, Ireland, northern England and southern Scotland.

Status: Resident and Migrant to the UK.

When Around: The solitary adults are around from May until October.

Habitat: They inhabit wood land, hedgerows and other bushy places.

Comment: This species has been recorded from Britain as far north as Westmoreland. There are about a thousand recorded sightings of this wasp over the last few decades.

Hymenoptera - Crabronidae
Parasitic Wasp
Hymenoptera - Crabronidae
Parasitic Wasp
Hymenoptera - Crabronidae
Parasitic Wasp
Anomoloninae ssp. Anomoloninae ssp. Anomoloninae ssp.    

Status: Resident in UK.

When Around: Most of the year, most common from spring through to autumn.

Habitat: They inhabit parks, gardens, wood land, hedgerows and other places where there are other insect larvae.

Comment: This species is part of an aggregate group of ichneumon flies which are very similar in appearance. It is almost impossible to tell them apart without microscopic examination.

Status: Resident in UK.

When Around: Adults are around from early summer through to Autumn.

Habitat: Parks, gardens, wood land, hedgerows and other places where there are other insect larvae.

Comment: Part of an aggregate group of ichneumon flies which look alike, and need examining  with a microscopic  to tell them apart.

(Shuckard 1837) (Shuckard 1837)      
Hymenoptera - Chrysididae
Parasitic Wasp
Hymenoptera - Chrysididae
Parasitic Wasp
Ruby-tailed Wasp - Chrysis ignita ab.. Ruby-tailed Wasp - Chrysis ignita ab..      

Status: Resident in UK.

When Around: From around April through to September. This wasp is also called the 'Cuckoo Wasp', laying it's eggs in other insects nests, where it's larvae devour the hosts own young.

Habitat: They are restless, and constantly move around, even when not in flight.

Comment: This group small similar looking wasps, that are very difficult to identify. This wasp is common throughout the UK. 

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