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A Selection of Micro Moths 15.013 - 15.089

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(Fabricius 1794) (Fabricius 1794) (Fabricius 1794) (Deschka & Dimic (Deschka & Dimic
Gracillaridae - Gracillarinae Gracillaridae - Gracillarinae Gracillaridae - Gracillarinae Gracillaridae - Gracillarinae Gracillaridae - Gracillarinae
Common Slender Common Slender Common Slender Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner
Gracillaria syringella Gracillaria syringella Gracillaria syringella Cameraria ohridella Cameraria ohridella
15.013    BF 332a 15.013    BF 332a 15.013    BF 332a 15.089    BF 366a 15.089    BF 366a

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 10mm to 13mm.

Flight Period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and again in July.

Habitat: Found in many habitats where Privet and Lilac are present.

Comment: This moth is fairly common throughout the British Isles.

Status: Resident in UK, since 2002.

Wing Span: 7mm to 9mm.

Flight Period: spring through to Autumn, in overlapping broods.

Habitat: Found any where with Horse Chestnut trees.

Comment: Fairly common as far north as Yorkshire.

(Zeller 1850) (Zeller 1850) (Zeller 1850)    
Gracillaridae - Lithocolletinae Gracillaridae - Lithocolletinae Gracillaridae - Lithocolletinae    
Firethorn Leaf Miner Firethorn Leaf Miner Firethorn Leaf Miner    
Phyllonorycter leucographella Phyllonorycter leucographella Phyllonorycter leucographella    
15.053    BF 150 15.053    BF 150 15.053    BF 150    

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 7mm to 9mm.

Flight Period: Several overlapping broods, flying from April until October.

Habitat: Found in Parks and Gardens where Pyracantha is present.

Comment: Fairly  common in England and Wales, as far north as Yorkshire.

Spare slot for expansion
Spare slot for expansion

Spare slot for expansion

Spare slot for expansion

Spare slot for expansion

Spare slot for expansion

Species 16.001 to 17.005

continued on the next page

All caterpillars have 3 pairs thoracic legs near the front end.          There are also two thick anal claspers at the back end.          There are either two, three or four pairs of prolegs between the middle and rear end.


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