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A Selection of Micro Moths 17.012 - 28.010

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(Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759) (Staudinger 1871) (Staudinger 1871)
Ysolophidae - Ysolophinae Ysolophidae - Ysolophinae Ysolophidae - Ysolophinae Argyresthiidae - Argyresthiinae Argyresthiidae - Argyresthiinae
Pied Smudge Pied Smudge Pied Smudge Triple-barred Argent Triple-barred Argent
Ysolopha  sequella Ysolopha  sequella Ysolopha  sequella Argyresthia trifasciata Argyresthia trifasciata
17.012    BF 462 17.012    BF 462 17.012    BF 462 20.005    BF 409a 20.005    BF 409a

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 18mm to 20mm.

Flight Period: Single brooded in July and August.

Habitat: Woodlands, parks, gardens and hedgerows.

Comment: This moth is fairly common, but localised. It is found as far north as the Scottish borders.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 7mm to 10mm.

Flight Period: One brood, flying in May and June.

Habitat: Parks and gardens where Leyland Cypress and Juniper grow

Comment: First recorded in 1982, when it was probably imported with trees, it is now fairly common.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)  
Plutellidae - Plutellinae Plutellidae - Plutellinae Plutellidae - Plutellinae Plutellidae - Plutellinae  
Diamond-back Moth Diamond-back Moth Diamond-back Moth Diamond-back Moth  
Plutella xylostella Plutella xylostella Plutella xylostella Nemophora degeerella  
18.001    BF 464 18.001    BF 464 18.001    BF 464 18.001    BF 464  

Status: UK Resident and migrant .

Wing Span: 13mm to 16mm.

Flight Period: Two overlapping broods, on the wing from May through to September..

Habitat: Almost anywhere, it has a vast amount of foodplants.

Comment: This moth is very common some years in the whole UK.

There are quite a number of adventive moths on the UK list. These are moths that have been accidentally introduced with imported food stuffs, timber, or gardening products. The Brown House and White-shouldered House Moths (to the left) are good examples of this.

(Linnaeus 1767) (Linnaeus 1767) (Linnaeus 1767) (Linnaeus 1758) (Staudinger 1871)
Scythropiidae - Scythropiinae Scythropiidae - Scythropiinae Scythropiidae - Scythropiinae Argyresthiidae - Argyresthiinae Argyresthiidae - Argyresthiinae
Hawthorn Moth - Hawthorn Moth - Hawthorn Moth - Golden Argent - Triple-barred Argent -
Scythropia crataegella Scythropia crataegella Scythropia crataegella Argyresthia goedartella Argyresthia trifasciata
25.001    BF 450 25.001    BF 450 25.001    BF 450 20.012    BF 411 20.005.012    BF 409a

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 11mm to 15mm.

Flight Period: single brooded, and appears in June and July.

Habitat: Parks, gardens, hedgerows and woodland, where ever Blackthorn grows.

Comment: This moth is fairly common as far north as Yorkshire.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 10mm to 13mm.

Flight Period: Single brooded, and flies from June through into August..

Habitat: Gardens, parks, hedgerows and woodland.

Comment: This is common throughout the British Isles where ever Birch and Alder grow.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Stainton 1849)  
Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae  
White-shouldered House Moth White-shouldered House Moth White-shouldered House Moth Brown House Moth

Species 28.012 to 32.007

Endrosis sarcitrella Endrosis sarcitrella Endrosis sarcitrella  Hoffmannophila pseudospretella

continued on the next page

28.009    BF 648 28.009    BF 648 28.009    BF 648 28.010    BF 647  

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 15mm to 21mm.

Flight Period: Common from May to September, but can be seen in any month.

Habitat: In old houses, barns, food ware houses etc.

Comment: This is a common resident to the British Isles, being originally imported with dried food.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 15mm to 26mm.

Flight Period: Mainly seen from late spring to autumn. Sometimes seen in doors at other times of the year.

Habitat: In old houses, barns, food out houses etc.

Comment: Originally from Asia, and is now common in Britain.


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