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A Selection of Micro Moths 32.016 - 35.141

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(Treitsckke 1835) (Treitsckke 1835) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae
Black-spot Flat-body Black-spot Flat-body Common Flat-body  Common Flat-body  Common Flat-body
Agonopterix propinquella Agonopterix propinquella Agonopterix heracliana Agonopterix heracliana Agonopterix heracliana
32.016    BF 696 32.016    BF 696 32.018    BF 688 32.018    BF 688 32.018    BF 688

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 16mm to 19mm.

Flight Period: September then hibernating until spring. and June.

Habitat: Found in many places with Common, Creeping and Spear Thistle.

Comment: This moth is a resident in England, Wales and southern Scotland.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 20mm to 22mm.

Flight Period: September, and then hibernating until spring. Occasionally they can be see in milder spells during winter.

Habitat: Found in many kinds of places where umbellifers grow.

Comment: This moth is a fairly common in most of Britain.

(Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759) (Linnaeus 1758)
Depressariidae - Depressariinae Depressariidae - Depressariinae Gelechiidae - Amonologinae Gelechiidae - Amonologinae Oecophoridae - Oecophorinae
Brown-spot Flat-body Brown-spot Flat-body Ash-coloured Crest Ash-coloured Crest Common Flat-body
Agonopterix alstromeriana Agonopterix alstromeriana Acompsia cinerella Acompsia cinerella Agonopterix heracliana
32.031    BF 695 32.031    BF 695 35.026 BF 695 35.026 BF 695 32.018    BF 688

Wing Span: 17mm to 19mm.

Flight Period: August to May, hibernating during cold spells.

Habitat: Just about any place where Hemlock grows.

Comment: This moth is fairly common in the UK, excepting Scotland, where it is only present in the south, and north east.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 16mm to 19mm.

Flight Period: June and July.

Habitat: Many places where there are trees and mosses, on which they feed.

Comment: This species is fairly common, and widely distributed throughout the British Isles, with the exception of Orkney, the Outer Hebrides and Shetland.

(Haworth 1828) (Haworth 1828) (Haworth 1828) (Haworth 1828) (Haworth 1828)
Gelechiidae - Amonologinae Gelechiidae - Amonologinae Gelechiidae - Amonologinae Gelechiidae - Amonologinae Gelechiidae - Amonologinae
House Neb House Neb Dark Neb Dark Neb Dark Neb
Bryotropha domestica Bryotropha domestica Bryotropha affinis Bryotropha affinis Bryotropha affinis
35.038    BF 789 35.038    BF 789 35.047    BF 779 35.047    BF 779 35.047    BF 779

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 12mm to 13mm.

Flight Period: May through to August.

Habitat: Feeding on various mosses, they inhabit parks, gardens and where ever moss grows.

Comment: This moth is well distributed throughout the UK, and is scarcer further north. It is most common in urban areas.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 11mm to 12mm.

Flight Period: June and July.

Habitat: Feeding on various mosses, they inhabit parks, gardens and other mossy places.

Comment: This species is common in most of the British Isles. It is also quite variable in appearance.

(Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775)    
Gelechiidae - Gelechiinae Gelechiidae - Gelechiinae Gelechiidae - Gelechiinae    
Common Groundling - Teleiodes vulgella Common Groundling - Teleiodes vulgella Common Groundling - Teleiodes vulgella    
35.141    BF 765 35.141    BF 765 35.141    BF 765    

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 13mm to 15mm.

Flight Period: June and July.

Habitat: Feeding on various shrubs, the moth can be found in these bushy places.

Comment: This moth  is fairly common through out most of the British Isles.

Spare slot for expansion

Species 37.005 to 44.001

continued on the next page 


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