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Purple Glossy Starling - South Africa

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(Muller 1776) (Muller 1776)
Passeriformes - Sturnidae Passeriformes - Sturnidae
Purple Glossy Starling - Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Glossy Starling - Lamprotornis purpureus

Purple Glossy Starling: 

UK Status:  This bird is not native in the UK, but can be found in zoos, wildlife parks and private collections. It is found in the tropical parts of Africa.

Habitat: Found in Senegal and North Zaire and east through to West Sudan and Kenya. Typically found in open woodland and agricultural areas. These bird eat fruit and insects and probably other types of food.

Breeding: This bird nests in holes and cavities, these holes can be in trees, human habitats, banks and where ever they feel safe. Two pale blue eggs are laid in each clutch, there are more than one clutch each year.

Comment: This bird is extremely gregarious, and they are very noisy.

(Muller 1776) (Muller 1776) (Muller 1776) (Muller 1776)
Passeriformes - Sturnidae Passeriformes - Sturnidae Passeriformes - Sturnidae Passeriformes - Sturnidae
Purple Glossy Starling - Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Glossy Starling - Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Glossy Starling - Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Glossy Starling - Lamprotornis purpureus



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