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True Bugs of the British Isles - Page 1

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(Rossi 1807) (Rossi 1807) (Rossi 1807) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Hemiptera - Cercopidae Hemiptera - Cercopidae Hemiptera - Cercopidae Hemiptera - Aphrophoridae Hemiptera - Aphrophoridae
Red-and-black Froghopper Red-and-black Froghopper Red-and-black Froghopper Common Froghopper Common Froghopper
 Ceropsis vulnerata  Ceropsis vulnerata  Ceropsis vulnerata  Philaenus spumarius  Philaenus spumarius

Status: Resident in UK.

Length: 9mm to 11mm.

When Around: April until early September.

Habitat: Habitats are quite varied and include both open and wooded area's.

Comment: This frog hopper is one of the most common in this group. It is found on the UK main land, and is common on the southern main land.

Status: Resident in UK.

Length: 5mm to 7mm.

When Around: June to September.

Habitat: Found in many places, feeding on most plant types.

Comment: Commonly found all around the UK. It is extremely variable in its colour, greyish brown to darkish brown or black.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)  
Hemiptera - Lygaedae Hemiptera - Lygaedae Hemiptera - Rhopalidae Hemiptera - Rhopalidae  
No common name No common name Cinnamon Bug Cinnamon Bug  
 Nysius senecionis   Nysius senecionis   Corizus hyoscyami   Corizus hyoscyami   

Status: Resident in UK.

Length: 4mm to 5mm.

When Around: Any month of the year.

Habitat: Habitats are many and varied, but mostly open flowery meadows, cliff tops, woodland rides and clearings.

Comment:  First recorded from the UK in 1992, this species is widespread and quite common in England and Wales, as far north as Yorkshire.

Status: Resident in UK.

Length:  8mm to 9mm.

When Around: Any month of the year.

Habitat: Habitats are varied, but are mostly open flowery meadows, cliff tops, woodland rides and clearings etc.

Comment: This species was originally a coastal insect, but is now found inland throughout England and Wales, as far north as Yorkshire.

Spare Slot for expansion
(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae
Birch Shield Bug Birch Shield Bug Hawthorn Shield Bug Hawthorn Shield Bug Hawthorn Shield Bug
 Elasmostethus interstictus  Elasmostethus interstictus Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale

Status: Resident in UK.

Length: 8.5mm to 11mm.

When Around: Any month of the year.

Habitat: Habitats are bushy places where Birch is plentiful, and includes parks, gardens, hedgerows, heaths, waste ground, etc.

Comment: Well distributed and fairly common throughout the UK. It is a common visitor to light traps.

Status: Resident in UK.

Length: 12mm to 16mm.

When Around: Any month of the year.

Habitat: Bushy places with Hawthorn, including hedgerows, gardens, parks,    and heaths.

Comment: Common an wide spread throughout the UK, but not to common in Scotland.

(Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761) Fabricius 1775) Fabricius 1775)
Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae
Green Shield Bug Green Shield Bug Green Shield Bug Bronze Shield Bug Bronze Shield Bug
Palomena prasina Palomena prasina Palomena prasina Troilus luridus Troilus luridus

Status: Resident in UK.

Length: 12mm to 14mm.

When Around: August to July the following year, after hibernation.  

Habitat: Extremely varied and include gardens, parks, woodland, waste ground, scrub and hedgerows.

Comment: Wide spread and fairly common in most of England, Wales, Southern Scotland and southern Ireland.

Status: Resident in UK.

Length: 11mm to 13mm.

When Around: All the year around.

Habitat: Habitats deciduous and coniferous woodland, and scrubby places.

Comment: Troilus Luridus is common and widely distributed through out Britain and Ireland.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae Hemiptera - Acanthosomatidae
Sloe, or Hairy Shield Bug Sloe, or Hairy Shield Bug Sloe, or Hairy Shield Bug Red-legged Shield Bug Red-legged Shield Bug
Dolycoris baccarum Dolycoris baccarum Dolycoris baccarum Pentatoma rufipes Pentatoma rufipes

Status: Resident in UK.

Length: 11mm to 13mm.

When Around: All the year around.

Habitat: They are plentiful where Blackthorn and Rosaceous shrubs grow, especially on the fringes of woods and in hedgerows.

Comment:  The Sloe Bug is and widely distributed and common throughout Britain, becoming scarcer in the north.

Status: Resident in UK.

Length: 11mm to 14mm.

When Around: July and August, and again in spring after hibernation.

Habitat: Bushy places with Hawthorn, including hedgerows, parks, gardens, woods.

Comment: Common and widely distributed through out Britain.

Most of our native Shield Bugs hibernate during cold spells, but may emerge in milder weather.

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