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House Sparrows - Garden Birds of the UK

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(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Passeriformes - Passeridae Passeriformes - Passeridae
House Sparrow - Passa domesticus House Sparrow - Passa domesticus

  (Linnaeus 1758)
  Passeriformes - Passeridae
  House Sparrow - Passa domesticus

House Sparrow:

UK Status: Native and resident.

Habitat: Having once been a common bird in all of the British Isles, this bird since 1977 has declined in numbers by as much as 70%. This decline is mainly due to modern building methods, and home improvement. House Sparrows are found in many habitat types, but in the UK are mainly urban and suburban. There are probably people in a few parts of the UK, who have never seen one.

Breeding: Males and females are sexually dimorphic, the male has a blotchy black bib under his chin, where as the female lacks the bib. They nest under the eaves of older buildings, especially suburban homes. They will occasionally nest on well sheltered rock ledges. Nests are basic and flimsy, made of dried grass, straw and a few feathers. They lay about four to six, off white eggs, blotched with dark grey brown markings. There are usually at least two broods a year, sometimes more.

Comment: This bird is to be found throughout the world, especially around older buildings. In the British Isles it is still reasonably common where older buildings exist. Widely spread, though now more localised, throughout the British Isles.

The most obvious difference between the Eurasian House Sparrow, and the Eurasian Tree Sparrow is the colour of the crown. House Sparrows have a grey crown, whereas Tree Sparrows are chestnut brown on the crown of their heads. 

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Passeriformes - Passeridae Passeriformes - Passeridae Passeriformes - Passeridae Passeriformes - Passeridae
House Sparrow - Passa domesticus House Sparrow - Passa domesticus House Sparrow - Passa domesticus House Sparrow - Passa domesticus


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