Reed Bunting:
UK Status: Resident.
Habitat: This bird is
similar looking to a sparrow, but is slimmer with a deeply notched tail,
and is usually seen near the waters edge..
There are some more refined differences as well between the two species.
Reed Buntings mainly eat seeds and insects.
Breeding: This bird is
usually found during the breeding season in damp habitats with rushes
and reed. In more recent years it has moved into dryer farm land, and is
even seen in gardens. Nests are built low down, usually in beds of
reeds, or rushes, occasionally in dryer areas in scrubby shrubs. their
nests are constructed from grass, or reeds and lined with moss. There
are usually four or five eggs in a clutch, eggs are pale to dark buff,
with darker streaks, squiggles and whorls.
Comment: This bird is
widely distributed throughout the British Isles. It can be locally
common in suitable areas, however in recent years it's numbers have been
declining to the loss of wetlands.