Gadwall Duck:
UK Status: Resident,
Habitat: This bird is a
dabbling duck, and not a diver. As such it prefers shallower water,
where it can upend to feed on the bottom under water. It can be found in
inland lakes, reservoirs, gravel pits, wetlands, rivers and occasionally
canals. Around the coast it can be seen on salt marshes, river estuaries
and near the coast on the sea. It can be quite shy, and prefers plenty
of vegetation in, and around the pools inhabits.
Breeding: Nests are made on
the ground in well concealed vegetated spots, sometimes they will nest
in ground level nest boxes. Their nests are made of dried grass, straw
or rushes, thinly lined with downy breast feathers. They lay eight to
twelve, whitish to pale pink eggs in a clutch. there is usually one
brood a year, in favourable years there may be two.
Comment: Not very common
the summer, in England however well distributed. In Wales it is found in
the north, and the south west tip. From the north of England, through to
the far northern isles of Scotland, it is found mainly on, or near the
east coast. The number of these ducks is boosted greatly by
overwintering migrants.