Common Tern:
UK Status: Summer resident.
Habitat: This bird prefers
to feed in freshwater and can be found in many parts of the UK where
there are bodies of fresh water. They are mainly coastal in
Scotland, Ireland and Northern England, but can be found much further
inland in the south and east of England.
Breeding: This bird breeds
in he British Isles from late spring and throughout the summer months.
They nest on open ground with barely, or no vegetation, some nests are
just bare ground, but are usually lined with some kind of vegetation.
Two, or three ovular eggs are laid in a clutch, and the eggs vary from
grey to light brown, marked with darker specks and blotches, getting
denser towards the broad end.
Comment: Not a common bird,
only about eleven thousand mating pairs in the British Isles. None
nesting birds also pass through the UK from Northern Europe, whilst
coming and going, to and from their over wintering territories in
tropical, and sub tropical regions.