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Green Sandpiper -Small Waders of the UK

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(Linnaeus 1758)  
Charadriiformes - Scolopacidae  
Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus  

Green Sandpiper:

UK Status: Resident, a UK non breeding winter visitor.

Habitat: This bird likes wetlands both coastal and inland. Can be found on the sea shore, on mudflats in estuaries, and mostly on sand banks in lakes and pools inland.

Breeding: Unlike a lot of related wader species, the Green Sandpiper nests in trees. They don't nest in the UK, after over wintering here they return to sub-arctic Europe and Asia. Usually, the old nests of other birds such as Field Fares and thrushes are utilised for breeding. Females lay two to four eggs per clutch. Eggs are ovular in shape, being very pointed at the narrower end. They are buff in colour with darker brown splotches and streaks.

Comment: Common Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper are thought to interbreed, and create hybrids. This is not a gregarious bird, though small groups can be seen in some suitable feeding areas.











Local Ebird Hotspot - Woodhall Lake, West Yorkshire

Local Ebird Hotspot - Yeadon Tarn, West Yorkshire

Contact Website Manager  dave.hatton29@btinternet.com

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