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Green Alkanet (Iridaceae) of the UK

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(Tausch) (Tausch)
Bolaginales - Bolaginaceae Bolaginales - Bolaginaceae
Green Alkanet - Pentaglottis sempervirens Green Alkanet - Pentaglottis  sempervirens

Green Alkanet:

UK Status: Resident and native.

Flowering Period: From April through into July. .

Appx Height: 30cm and up to 60cm.

Habitat: This is a plant of damp and shady areas such as woodland, ditches and hedgerows. It is a member of the Forget-me-not family (Boraginaceae), and you can see the similarity in the flowers.

Comment: This plant is fairly common and well distributed throughout England and Wales. It is absent in the Welsh mountains, and scarcer in Scotland, becoming scarcer the further north. It is absent from North Scotland, and the Scottish Isles. In Ireland it is only found in the north.


(Tausch) (Tausch) (Tausch) (Tausch)
Bolaginales - Bolaginaceae Bolaginales - Bolaginaceae Bolaginales - Bolaginaceae Bolaginales - Bolaginaceae
Green Alkanet - Pentaglottis  sempervirens Green Alkanet - Pentaglottis  sempervirens Green Alkanet - Pentaglottis  sempervirens Green Alkanet - Pentaglottis  sempervirens



Local Ebird Hotspot - Woodhall Lake, West Yorkshire

Local Ebird Hotspot - Yeadon Tarn, West Yorkshire

Contact Website Manager  dave.hatton29@btinternet.com

Dave Hatton reserves the copyright on all images.  © 2022