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Herb Robert (Geraniaceae) of the British Isles

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Geraniales - Geraniaceae Geraniales - Geraniaceae
Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum

Herb Robert:

UK Status: Native and resident.

Flowering Period: From mid spring to late summer.

Appx Height: From a few centimetres and up to 30cm. It is often very lacking in height when growing in poor soil, or grass verges that are frequently mown.

Habitat: This plant has quite a wide variety of habitats, ranging from rocky places on the coast, or inland. through to open grassy places. Locations include heaths, moors rocky habitats, farmland, grassland, parks and gardens.

Comment: This plant is fairly common and well distributed throughout the British Isles.


Geraniales - Geraniaceae Geraniales - Geraniaceae Geraniales - Geraniaceae Geraniales - Geraniaceae
Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum



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