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A Selection of Drepanidae Moths 65.001 - 65.016

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(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)    
Drepanidae - Drepaninae Drepanidae - Drepaninae Drepanidae - Drepaninae    
Scalloped Hook-tip Scalloped Hook-tip Scalloped Hook-tip    
Falcaria lacertinaria Falcaria lacertinaria Falcaria lacertinaria    
65.001   BF 1645 65.001   BF 1645 65.001   BF 1645    

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 34mm to 39mm.

Flight Period: May and June, and second brood in July and August.

Habitat: Found in woodland, moor land, heath land, commons, hedgerows, parks and gardens, where ever Silver Birch grows.

Comment: Moths of this species are a fairly common and are widely distributed residents over many parts of the British Isles.

Spare slot for expansion
Spare slot for expansion
(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)  
Drepanidae - Drepaninae Drepanidae - Drepaninae Drepanidae - Drepaninae Drepanidae - Drepaninae  
Pebble Hook-tip Pebble Hook-tip Pebble Hook-tip Pebble Hook-tip  
Drepana falcataria Drepana falcataria Drepana falcataria Drepana falcataria  
65.005   BF 1648 65.005   BF 1648 65.005   BF 1648 65.005   BF 1648  



Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 36mm to 40mm.

Flight Period: May and June, again in July and August.

Habitat: Found in woodland, heath land, parks and gardens, where Silver Birch and Alder grow.

Comment: This moth is locally common and is well distributed over many parts of the UK, except Ireland where it is scarce.

Spare slot for expansion
(Scopoli 1763) (Scopoli 1763) (Scopoli 1763) (Scopoli 1763)  
Drepanidae - Drepaninae Drepanidae - Drepaninae Drepanidae - Drepaninae Drepanidae - Drepaninae  
Chinese Character Chinese Character Chinese Character Chinese Character  
Cilix glaucata Cilix glaucata Cilix glaucata Cilix glaucata  
65.007   BF 1651 65.007   BF 1651 65.007   BF 1651 65.007   BF 1651  

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 22mm to 27mm.

Flight Period: May and June, again in July and August.

Habitat: Found in hedgerows, roadside verges, commons, heaths, parks, gardens, orchards, and most other bushy places where food plants grow.

Comment:  This moth is fairly common and widely distributed in England, Wales and Ireland. Scarcer in  Scotland and quite localised.

Species 66.007to 68.001

continued on the next page

(Hufnagel 1766) (Hufnagel 1766) (Hufnagel 1766) (Hufnagel 1766) (Hufnagel 1766)
Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae
Buff Arches Buff Arches Buff Arches Buff Arches Buff Arches
Habrosyne pyritoides Habrosyne pyritoides Habrosyne pyritoides Habrosyne pyritoides Habrosyne pyritoides
65.009   BF 1653 65.009   BF 1653 65.009   BF 1653 65.009   BF 1653 65.009   BF 1653
(Hubner 1786) (Hubner 1786) (Hubner 1786) (Hubner 1786) (Hufnagel 1766)
Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae
Figure of Eighty Figure of Eighty Figure of Eighty Figure of Eighty Buff Arches
Tethae ocularis octogesimae Tethae ocularis octogesimae Tethae ocularis octogesimae Tethae ocularis octogesimae Habrosyne pyritoides
65.010   BF 1654 65.010   BF 1654 65.010   BF 1654 65.010   BF 1654 65.009   BF 1653

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 40mm to 44mm.

Flight Period: June until August.

Habitat: Found in open wood land, commons, waste ground, gardens and parks, other area's where Brambles grow. 

Comment: The beautiful Buff Arches is fairly common and wide spread throughout most of England, Wales and Ireland, scarcer further north. There is a few odd records from Scotland.

(Hubner 1786) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Fabricius 1787) (Fabricius 1787)
Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae Drepanidae - Thyatirinae
Figure of Eighty Poplar Lutestring Poplar Lutestring Frosted Green Frosted Green
Tethae ocularis octogesimae Tethae or or Tethae or or Polyploca ridens Polyploca ridens
65.010   BF 1654 65.011   BF 1655 65.011   BF 1655 65.015   BF 1660 65.015   BF 1660

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 36mm to 44mm.

Flight Period: May into July.

Habitat: Found in wood lands, commons, suburban localities including waste ground, gardens and parks, where ever Poplar and Aspen.

Comment: This species is an uncommon resident and is fairly spread in southern England, the Midlands, Yorkshire, Cumbria and the eastern counties of Wales.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 38mm to 43mm.

Flight Period: May into August.

Habitat: These moths inhabit open wood land, hedgerows, parks and other bushy places where Poplar, Aspen and Sallow grow. 

Comment: This moth is  a widely distributed resident to England and Wales, in Scotland and Ireland it is more localised.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 36mm to 40mm.

Flight Period: April and May.

Habitat: They inhabit mature Oak wood land.

Comment: This moth is widespread, but only locally common in southern England and Wales. It is very localise and not common in northern England, as far north as Cumbria and Yorkshire.

All caterpillars have 3 pairs thoracic legs near the front end.          There are also two thick anal claspers at the back end.          There are either two, three or four pairs of prolegs between the middle and rear end.

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