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A Selection of Sphingidae Moths 69.009 - 69.016

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(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae
Broad-bordered Bee Hawk Moth Broad-bordered Bee Hawk Moth Broad-bordered Bee Hawk Moth Broad-bordered Bee Hawk Moth
Hemaris fuciformis Hemaris fuciformis Hemaris fuciformis Hemaris fuciformis
69.009   BF 1983 69.009   BF 1983 69.009   BF 1983 69.009   BF 1983

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 45mm to 52mm.

Flight Period: May and June, very occasionally a partial second brood in August.

Habitat: They inhabit flowery places with an abundance of Honeysuckle and nectar bearing flowers.

Comment: Moths of this species are distributed over the southern half of Britain. They are very local and often scarce. They have been reasonably common in Chambers Farm Wood, Lincolnshire since 2011, after an absence of four years.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae
Humming-bird Hawk Moth Humming-bird Hawk Moth Elephant Hawk Moth Elephant Hawk Moth
Macroglossum stellatarum Macroglossum stellatarum Deilephila elpnor Deilephila elpnor
69.010   BF 1984 69.010   BF 1984 69.016   BF 1991 69.016   BF 1991

Status: Migrant to the UK.

Wing Span: 50mm to 59mm.

Flight Period: May to Autumn.

Habitat: They inhabit flowery places with an abundance of nectar bearing flowers. Buddleia seems to especially favoured.

Comment: This exceptional, and unusual moth is a migrant to the British Isles. It can be quite common some years, and quite rare in poor seasons. In 1947 over 4000 sightings of this moth were recorded in Britain.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae
Elephant Hawk Moth Elephant Hawk Moth Elephant Hawk Moth Elephant Hawk Moth
Deilephila elpnor Deilephila elpnor Deilephila elpnor Deilephila elpnor
69.016   BF 1991 69.016   BF 1991 69.016   BF 1991 69.016   BF 1991
(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)    
Sphingidae - Macroglossinae Sphingidae - Macroglossinae    
Elephant Hawk Moth Elephant Hawk Moth    
Deilephila elpnor Deilephila elpnor    
69.016   BF 1991 69.016   BF 1991    

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 62mm to 72mm.

Flight Period: May to July.

Habitat: Habitats are  waste ground, gardens, parks, hedgerows, road side verges, wood land rides and fringes, in fact most area's where Willowherb grows.

Comment: This moth is a fairly common and well distributed resident to England, Wales and many parts of Ireland. In Scotland it is more localised to be found in the south and west of the mainland.

Spare slot for expansion
Spare slot for expansion
Species 70.006 to 70.016

continued on the next page

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