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A Selection of Geometridae Moths 69.001 - 69.003

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(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae
Lime Hawk Moth Lime Hawk Moth Lime Hawk Moth Lime Hawk Moth
Mimas tiliae Mimas tiliae Mimas tiliae Mimas tiliae
69.001   BF 1979 69.001   BF 1979 69.001   BF 1979 69.001   BF 1979

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span:70mm to 80mm.

Flight Period: May and June.

Habitat: Habitats are  lightly wooded and shrubby places such as, hedgerows, road side verges, wood land rides and fringes, heaths, commons, gardens, parks and other places where suitable and tree's grow.

Comment: This moth is some times reasonably common and generally well distributed resident to England and Wales. They are rarely seen in large numbers excepting London, and Stafford. The fore wing markings are quite variable.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae
Eyed Hawk Moth Eyed Hawk Moth Eyed Hawk Moth Eyed Hawk Moth
Smerinthus ocellata Smerinthus ocellata Smerinthus ocellata Smerinthus ocellata
69.002   BF 1980 69.002   BF 1980 69.002   BF 1980 69.002   BF 1980

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 75mm to 95mm.

Flight Period: May until July.

Habitat: Habitats are  both heavily and lightly wooded area's such as, hedgerows, road side verges, wood land rides and fringes, heaths, commons, gardens, parks and other places where the larval food plants, Sallow, Willow, Poplar, Birch and Apple trees grow.

Comment: Moths of this species are usually single brooded, and are on the wing during May through to  July, occasionally there is a partial second brood in late summer to autumn.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae
Poplar Hawk Moth Poplar Hawk Moth Poplar Hawk Moth Poplar Hawk Moth
Laothoe populi Laothoe populi Laothoe populi Laothoe populi
69.003   BF 1981 69.003   BF 1981 69.003   BF 1981 69.003   BF 1981
(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)  
Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae Sphingidae - Smerinthinae  
Poplar Hawk Moth Poplar Hawk Moth Poplar Hawk Moth  
Laothoe populi Laothoe populi Laothoe populi  
69.003   BF 1981 69.003   BF 1981 69.003   BF 1981  

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 72mm to 92mm.

Flight Period: May until July.

Habitat:  Habitats are  heavily and lightly wooded area's such as, hedgerows, road side verges, wood land rides and fringes, heaths, commons and other places where Sallow, Willow, Poplar, and Aspen tree's grow.

Comment: This moth is some times reasonably common and generally well distributed resident throughout the British Isles.

Species 69.009 to 69.016

continued on the next page

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