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A Selection of Geometridae Moths 70.240 - 70.245

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(Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759)
Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae
Scalloped Hazel Scalloped Hazel Scalloped Hazel Scalloped Hazel Scalloped Hazel
Odontopera bidentata Odontopera bidentata Odontopera bidentata Odontopera bidentata Odontopera bidentata
70.240  BF 1920 70.240  BF 1920 70.240  BF 1920 70.240  BF 1920 70.240  BF 1920

(Clerck 1759) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae
Scalloped Hazel Scalloped Oak Scalloped Oak Scalloped Oak Scalloped Oak
Odontopera bidentata Crocallis elinguaria Crocallis elinguaria Crocallis elinguaria Crocallis elinguaria
70.240  BF 1920 70.241   BF 1921 70.241   BF 1921 70.241   BF 1921 70.241   BF 1921

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 46mm to 50mm.

Flight Period: May and June.

Habitat: Habitats include places with a variety of trees and shrubs, including parks and gardens.

Comment: This moth is a fairly common resident in the UK including the Inner Hebrides and Orkney.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 40mm to 46mm.

Flight Period: July and August.

Habitat:  Found in bushy places where a variety of tree's and shrubs grow, including parks and gardens.

Comment: This moth is a fairly common throughout the UK, with the exception of Orkney and Shetland.

Linnaeus 1758) Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761)
Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae
Swallow-tailed Moth Swallow-tailed Moth Feathered Thorn Feathered Thorn Feathered Thorn
Ourapteryx sambucaria Ourapteryx sambucaria Colotois pennaria Colotois pennaria Colotois pennaria
70.243   BF 1922 70.243   BF 1922 70.244   BF 1923 70.244   BF 1923 70.244   BF 1923

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 50mm to 62mm.

Flight Period: June and July.

Habitat: These moths inhabit bushy places where tree's and shrubs grow.

Comment:  This moth is a  common, and well distributed in England, Wales, Ireland. south Scotland. In north Scotland it is scarce.

(Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Linnaeus 1761)
Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae Geometridae - Ennominae
March Moth March Moth March Moth March Moth Feathered Thorn
Alsophila aescularia Alsophila aescularia Alsophila aescularia Alsophila aescularia Colotois pennaria
70.245   BF 1663 70.245   BF 1663 70.245   BF 1663 70.245   BF 1663 70.244   BF 1923

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 34mm to 38mm.

Flight Period: March and April.

Habitat: Habitats are bushy places with deciduous shrubs and tree's.

Comment: Fairly common and well distributed  through out England and Wales. In Ireland and Scotland well distributed not to common..

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 46mm to 50mm.

Flight Period: September until November.

Habitat: They inhabit bushy places with a good smattering of tree's.

Comment: Widely distributed, and fairly common in England, Wales and Ireland. In Scotland it is wide spread, but quite local and scarcer.


Species 70.247 to 70.254


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