(Clerck 1759) | (Clerck 1759) | (Clerck 1759) | (Clerck 1759) | (Clerck 1759) |
Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae |
Scalloped Hazel | Scalloped Hazel | Scalloped Hazel | Scalloped Hazel | Scalloped Hazel |
Odontopera bidentata | Odontopera bidentata | Odontopera bidentata | Odontopera bidentata | Odontopera bidentata |
70.240 BF 1920 | 70.240 BF 1920 | 70.240 BF 1920 | 70.240 BF 1920 | 70.240 BF 1920 |
(Clerck 1759) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) |
Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae |
Scalloped Hazel | Scalloped Oak | Scalloped Oak | Scalloped Oak | Scalloped Oak |
Odontopera bidentata | Crocallis elinguaria | Crocallis elinguaria | Crocallis elinguaria | Crocallis elinguaria |
70.240 BF 1920 | 70.241 BF 1921 | 70.241 BF 1921 | 70.241 BF 1921 | 70.241 BF 1921 |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 46mm to 50mm. Flight Period: May and June. Habitat: Habitats include places with a variety of trees and shrubs, including parks and gardens. Comment: This moth is a fairly common resident in the UK including the Inner Hebrides and Orkney. |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 40mm to 46mm. Flight Period: July and August. Habitat: Found in bushy places where a variety of tree's and shrubs grow, including parks and gardens. Comment: This moth is a fairly common throughout the UK, with the exception of Orkney and Shetland. |
Linnaeus 1758) | Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1761) | (Linnaeus 1761) | (Linnaeus 1761) |
Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae |
Swallow-tailed Moth | Swallow-tailed Moth | Feathered Thorn | Feathered Thorn | Feathered Thorn |
Ourapteryx sambucaria | Ourapteryx sambucaria | Colotois pennaria | Colotois pennaria | Colotois pennaria |
70.243 BF 1922 | 70.243 BF 1922 | 70.244 BF 1923 | 70.244 BF 1923 | 70.244 BF 1923 |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 50mm to 62mm. Flight Period: June and July. Habitat: These moths inhabit bushy places where tree's and shrubs grow. Comment: This moth is a common, and well distributed in England, Wales, Ireland. south Scotland. In north Scotland it is scarce. |
(Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) | (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) | (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) | (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) | (Linnaeus 1761) |
Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae | Geometridae - Ennominae |
March Moth | March Moth | March Moth | March Moth | Feathered Thorn |
Alsophila aescularia | Alsophila aescularia | Alsophila aescularia | Alsophila aescularia | Colotois pennaria |
70.245 BF 1663 | 70.245 BF 1663 | 70.245 BF 1663 | 70.245 BF 1663 | 70.244 BF 1923 |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 34mm to 38mm. Flight Period: March and April. Habitat: Habitats are bushy places with deciduous shrubs and tree's. Comment: Fairly common and well distributed through out England and Wales. In Ireland and Scotland well distributed not to common.. |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 46mm to 50mm. Flight Period: September until November. Habitat: They inhabit bushy places with a good smattering of tree's. Comment: Widely distributed, and fairly common in England, Wales and Ireland. In Scotland it is wide spread, but quite local and scarcer. |
Species 70.247 to 70.254 |
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