(Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) | (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) | (Hubner 1787) | (Hubner 1787) | (Forster 1771) |
Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae |
May Highflyer - Hydriomena impulviata | May Highflyer - Hydriomena impulviata | Grey Pine Carpet - Thera obeliscata | Grey Pine Carpet - Thera obeliscata | Barred Yellow - Cidaria fulvata |
70.075 BF 1778 | 70.075 BF 1778 | 70.081 BF 1768 | 70.081 BF 1768 | 70.085 BF 1765 |
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Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 30mm to 34mm. Flight Period: May into July. Habitat: They inhabit area's with Alder tree's which can include gardens, parks, wood land, hedgerows etc. Comment: This moth is a local, but well distributed through most of the UK. Adults are variable, there is a melanic form. |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 28mm to 36mm. Flight Period: May to July, and again in September and October. Habitat: Found in coniferous and mixed woods, and other places with coniferous tree's. Comment: This moth is a common, and well distributed the UK. It is extremely variable through out its range. |
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(Thunberg 1792) | (Thunberg 1792) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Forster 1771) |
Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae |
Broken-barred Carpet - Electrophaes corylata | Broken-barred Carpet - Electrophaes corylata | Purple Bar - Cosmorhoe ocellata | Purple Bar - Cosmorhoe ocellata | Barred Yellow - Cidaria fulvata |
70.086 BF 1773 | 70.086 BF 1773 | 70.087 BF 1752 | 70.087 BF 1752 | 70.085 BF 1765 |
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Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 27mm to 31mm. Flight Period: May and June. Habitat: Found in wooded area's which include, parks, gardens, hedgerows, commons, road side verges, and where there food plants grow. Comment: This moth is a fairly common, and well spread over the UK, but is unreported from the northern isles. |
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Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 28mm to 30mm. Flight Period: May to July, and again in August and September. Habitat: These moths occur on mosses, heaths, woodland, commons and sand dunes. Comment: This moth is common and well distributed. over the UK, including Orkney and the Hebrides. |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 25mm to 30mm. Flight Period: May Habitat: Found in bushy places where the Dog Rose grows, including wood land, hedgerows, disused railway lines, road side verges, heaths, commons etc. Comment: This moth is fairly common. It is also widely distributed in the UK, though they tend to be localised. |
(Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) | (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) |
Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae |
The Phoenix - Eulithis prunata | The Phoenix - Eulithis prunata | The Phoenix - Eulithis prunata | Barred Straw - Eulithis pyraliata | Barred Straw - Eulithis pyraliata |
70.089 BF 1754 | 70.089 BF 1754 | 70.089 BF 1754 | 70.093 BF 1758 | 70.093 BF 1758 |
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Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 37mm to 42mm. Flight Period: June into August. Habitat: Found in parks, gardens, allotments and other open places where Gooseberry, Black and Red Currant are found. Comment: This moth is well spread throughout most of the UK. It is localised and rarely common. |
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(Turner 1925) | (Turner 1925) | (Turner 1925) | (Turner 1925) | (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) |
Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae |
Spruce Carpet - Thera britannica | Spruce Carpet - Thera britannica | Spruce Carpet - Thera britannica | Spruce Carpet - Thera britannica | Barred Straw - Eulithis pyraliata |
70.079 BF 1769 | 70.079 BF 1769 | 70.079 BF 1769 | 70.079 BF 1769 | 70.093 BF 1758 |
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Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 30mm to 36mm. Flight Period: May to July, and again in September to October. Habitat: Found in Spruce and Fir plantations, and also in gardens with Spruce and Fir. Comment: This moth is a local in England and Wales Less common and even more local in Scotland & Ireland. |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 33mm to 38mm. Flight Period: June until August. Habitat: found on down land, road side verges, commons, gardens, hedgerows, and other places where bedstraws grow. Comment: This moth is fairly common, and are well spread England, Wales, Ireland and south Scotland. In other parts of Scotland it is quite scarce. |
Species 70.094 to 70.098 |
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