(Knoch 1781) | (Knoch 1781) | (Haworth 1809) | (Haworth 1809) | (Scharfenberg 1805) |
Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae |
Green Carpet - Colostygia pectinataria | Green Carpet - Colostygia pectinataria | Mottled Grey - Colostygia multistrigaria | Mottled Grey - Colostygia multistrigaria | Northern Winter Moth - Operohtera fagata |
70.100 BF 1776 | 70.100 BF 1776 | 70.101 BF 1775 | 70.101 BF 1775 | 70.105 BF 1800 |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 25mm to 29mm. Flight Period: May into July, again in August and September. Habitat: This species is found in a variety of habitat types where its bedstraws and Cleavers grow. Comment: This moth is a fairly common, and is well distributed over the UK. The green wings soon fades after emergence . |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 26mm to 31mm. Flight Period: March and April. Habitat: Found on heaths, downs, moors, commons, woods and in gardens where bedstraws grow. Comment: This moth is well distributed, and common over most of UK. In Northern Ireland it is very local and scarce. |
(Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Scharfenberg 1805) |
Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae |
Winter Moth - Operophttera brumata | Winter Moth - Operophttera brumata | Winter Moth - Operophttera brumata | Winter Moth - Operophttera brumata | Northern Winter Moth - Operohtera fagata |
70.106 BF 1799 | 70.106 BF 1799 | 70.106 BF 1799 | 70.106 BF 1799 | 70.105 BF 1800 |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 28mm to 33mm. Flight Period: November to January. Habitat: Found in woods, moors, heaths, orchards, commons, gardens and places with tree's. Comment: This moth is common and well spread over the UK. At times the larvae defoliate groups of tree's. |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 32mm to 40mm. Flight Period: October until December. Habitat: This moth is found in orchards, woods, moors, heaths, commons, hedgerows, gardens and bushy places with tree's. Comment: This moth is common and widely distributed over England. In Wales and Scotland it is scarcer and more local. Irish records are in doubt. |
(Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) | (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | |
Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | |
November Moth - Epirrita dilutata | November Moth - Epirrita dilutata | Scallop Shell - Rheumaptera undulata | Scallop Shell - Rheumaptera undulata | |
70.107 BF 1795x | 70.107 BF 1795x | 70.121 BF 1789 | 70.121 BF 1789 | |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 38mm to 44mm. Flight Period: October and November. Habitat: Found in bushy places with tree's and shrubs, including gardens, hedgerows, waste ground, parks, heath land, wood land, disused railway lines, motorway embankments. Comment: This moth is fairly common, and well distributed throughout the greater part of the UK. |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 32mm to 40mm. Flight Period: June and July. Habitat: Found in woods, marshy places and occasionally in gardens where Sallow and Aspen grow. Comment: This moth is widespread, but localised in England, Wales, Ireland and southern Scotland. |
Spare slot for expansion |
(Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | (Linnaeus 1758) | |
Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | Geometridae - Sterrhinae | |
Chimney Sweeper - Odezia atrata | Chimney Sweeper - Odezia atrata | Small Rivulet - Perizoma alchemillata | Small Rivulet - Perizoma alchemillata | |
70.130 BF 1870 | 70.130 BF 1870 | 70.133 BF 1803 | 70.133 BF 1803 | |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 27mm to 30mm. Flight Period: June and July. Habitat: They inhabit chalk downs, limestone hill sides and damp grassy flower meadows with Pignut. Comment: This moth is very localised in southern England, and East Anglia. They are more widespread, but still localised through out the rest of the UK mainland. |
Status: Resident in UK. Wing Span: 22mm to 24mm. Flight Period: June and July. Habitat: Found on waste ground, woods, commons, marshes, downs, allotments and gardens with Hemp Nettle. Comment: This moth is a reasonably common resident, and is widely distributed through out the British Isles. |
Species 70.137 to 70.157 continued on the next page |
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