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A Selection of Noctuidae Moths 73.121 - 73.155

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(Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Esper 1789) (Esper 1789)
Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae
Frosted Orange Frosted Orange Frosted Orange Rosy Rustic Rosy Rustic
Gortyna flavago Gortyna flavago Gortyna flavago Hydraecea micacea Hydraecea micacea
73.121  BF 2364 73.121  BF 2364 73.121  BF 2364 73.123  BF 2361 73.123  BF 2361

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 32mm to 44mm.

Flight Period: August until October.

Habitat: They inhabit open woodland, commons, waste ground, roadside verges and some times gardens.

Comment: A common resident, in England and Wales. In Ireland and Scotland it is scarcer, and more local, and is found as far north as Moray.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 34mm to 50mm.

Flight Period: August until October.

Habitat: Weedy places such as sea cliffs, marshes, waste ground, disused railway lines, gardens and allotments.

Comment: Common through out most of the British Isles. It is variable both in size and ground colour, it ranges from pinkish grey to dark purplish brown.

(Doubleday 1847) (Doubleday 1847) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775)
Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae
The Butterbur The Butterbur Flounced Rustic Flounced Rustic Flounced Rustic
Hydraecea petasitis Hydraecea petasitis Luperina testacae Luperina testacae Luperina testacae
73.124  BF 2362 73.124  BF 2362 73.131  BF 2353 73.131  BF 2353 73.131  BF 2353

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 44mm to 50mm.

Flight Period: August and September.

Habitat: River banks, streams, marshes and ponds.

Comment: Very local in England, parts of Wales and southern Scotland as far north as Stirlingshire. It looks very similar to the Rosy Rustic, the size and colour being distinguishing factors.

(Haworth 1809) (Haworth 1809) (Haworth 1809) (Haworth 1809) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775)
Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae
Small Dotted Buff Small Dotted Buff Clouded Brindle Clouded Brindle Flounced Rustic
Photedes minima Photedes minima Apamea epomidion Apamea epomidion Luperina testacae
73.147  BF 2345 73.147  BF 2345 73.155  BF 2327 73.155  BF 2327 73.131  BF 2353

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 20mm to 24mm.

Flight Period: June until August.

Habitat: Woodland rides and clearings, damp meadows and marshy places. They can occasionally turn up in suburban gardens.

Comment: Wide spread over most of the UK, common in some areas. The female is smaller than the male moth.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 40mm to 46mm.

Flight Period: June and July.

Habitat:  Woods, commons, hedgerows,  parks and gardens.

Comment: Common, and widely distributed over much of England and Wales. Recorded in southern Scotland, where it is wide spread but scarce, scarce in Ireland.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 32mm to 40mm.

Flight Period: August and September.

Habitat: Damp grassy places,  which can include parks and gardens.

Comment:  Common, and wide spread in England and Wales. In Scotland and the Hebrides it is less common and more local, in Ireland it is mainly coastal.

(Hubner 1809) (Hubner 1809) (Hubner 1809) (Hubner 1809)  
Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae Noctuidae - Xyleninae  
Dusky Brocade Dusky Brocade Dusky Brocade Dusky Brocade  
Apamea remissa Apamea remissa Apamea remissa Apamea remissa  
73.154  BF 2330 73.154  BF 2330 73.154  BF 2330 73.154  BF 2330  

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 36mm to 42mm.

Flight Period: June and July.

Habitat: Common and widely spread through out most of the UK, including the Hebrides and Orkney. This species tends to vary a lot in its ground colour.

Comment:  Habitats are grassy places including wood lands, marshes, gardens, parks, and many other sites.

Noctuidae Family

Species 73.156 to 73.163

continued on the next page


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