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A Selection of British Butterflies - Page 3

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(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Nymphalidae - Daninae Nymphalidae - Daninae Nymphalidae - Daninae Nymphalidae - Daninae Nymphalidae - Daninae
The Monarch The Monarch The Monarch The Monarch The Monarch
Danaus plexippus Danaus plexippus Danaus plexippus Danaus plexippus Danaus plexippus
59.001  BF 59.001  BF 59.001  BF 59.001  BF 59.001  BF

UK Status: Rare Vagrant.

Wing Span: 76mm to 86mm.

Flight Period: Most of the year within it's range.

Habitat: The butterfly is a strong flier, and migratory and can be seen any where within its range.

Comment: A fairly common resident to most of North America, from south of the Hudson Bay, through to South America.

(Linnaeus 1767) (Linnaeus 1767) (Linnaeus 1767) (Linnaeus 1767) (Linnaeus 1767)
Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae
Wall Brown Wall Brown Wall Brown Wall Brown Wall Brown
Lasiommata mergera Lasiommata mergera Lasiommata mergera Lasiommata mergera Lasiommata mergera
59.002  BF 59.002  BF 59.002  BF 59.002  BF 59.002  BF
(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1767)
Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae
Speckled Wood Speckled Wood Speckled Wood Speckled Wood Wall Brown
Pararge aegeria Pararge aegeria Pararge aegeria Pararge aegeria Lasiommata mergera
59.003  BF 59.003  BF 59.003  BF 59.003  BF 59.002  BF

UK Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 46mm to 56mm.

Flight Period: April to September, in two, or three broods.

Habitat: Wood rides, and glades, also in parks, gardens, open wood area's.

Comment: Common in England, Wales, Ireland and some northern parts of Scotland. Has made a remarkable come back over the last four decades.

UK Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 45mm to 53mm.

Flight Period: May and June, again in July to September.

Habitat:  Open grassy areas like cliffs, disused railways and such places.

Comment: In England, Wales and south Scotland.  It is fairly common around our coast, in the midlands and the south, the Wall is on the decline.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)    
Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae    
Small Heath Small Heath Small Heath    
Coenonympha pamphilus Coenonympha pamphilus Coenonympha pamphilus    
59.005  BF 59.005  BF 59.005  BF    

UK Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 33mm to 37mm.

Flight Period: May and June, again July to September.

Habitat: Habitats are  most open places where food plants grow such as, waste ground, pastures, hedgerows, commons etc.

Comment: Common in England, Wales, Scotland, and is fairly wide spread in Ireland.

Spare slot for expansion

Spare slot for expansion
(Boisduval 1833) (Boisduval 1833) (Boisduval 1833)    
Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae Nymphalidae - Satyrinae    
The Ringlet The Ringlet The Ringlet    
Aphantopus hyperantus Aphantopus hyperantus Aphantopus hyperantus    
59.009  BF 59.009  BF 59.009  BF    

UK Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 42mm to 52mm

Flight Period: June to August.

Habitat:  Grassy area's like hedgerows, edges of woods, and clearings, and many other lightly shaded, and open area's with small tree's and shrubs.

Comment: Common in England, Wales, Ireland and most of Scotland. After having declined for many years, made a come back, spreading north.

Spare slot for expansion

Spare slot for expansion
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