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A Selection of British Butterflies - Page 7

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(Hubner 1819) (Hubner 1819) (Hubner 1819) (Hubner 1819) (Hubner 1819)
Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae
The Comma The Comma The Comma The Comma The Comma
Polygonia c-album Polygonia c-album Polygonia c-album Polygonia c-album Polygonia c-album
59.031  BF 1598 59.031  BF 1598 59.031  BF 1598 59.031  BF 1598 59.031  BF 1598
(Rottemburg 1775) (Rottemburg 1775) (Rottemburg 1775) (Hubner 1819) (Hubner 1819)
Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae
Marsh Fritillary Marsh Fritillary Marsh Fritillary The Comma The Comma
Euphydryas aurinia Euphydryas aurinia Euphydryas aurinia Polygonia c-album Polygonia c-album
59.033  BF 1610 59.033  BF 1610 59.033  BF 1610 59.031  BF 1598 59.031  BF 1598

UK Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 50mm to 64mm.

Flight Period: March until Autumn, in two or three broods.

Habitat: Strong fliers, seen in open, sunny places with nettles, Hop and Elm.

Comment: Common in the British Isles. The Comma became scarce last century for a few decades, then made a strong come back.

(Rottemburg 1775)        
Nymphalidae - Nymphalinae        
Marsh Fritillary        
Euphydryas aurinia        
59.033  BF 1610        

UK Status: Resident.

Wing Span: Male 30mm to 42mm, female 40mm to 50mm.

Flight Period: May and June.

Habitat: These butterflies require damp to wet wild flower meadows.

Comment: A declining species and is now very localised to just a few sites in the UK. Agricultural drainage of damp meadows. and parasitic wasps have played a part in the decline.

Spare slot for expansion
Spare slot for expansion
Spare slot for expansion
Spare slot for expansion
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