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Micro Families 49.161 to 62.035


Barred Marble - Celypha striana Barred Marble - Celypha striana Thyme Marble - Celypha cespitana Common Marble - Celypha lacunana Common Marble - Celypha lacunana

Smoky-barred Marble - Lobesia abscisana Holly Tortrix - Rhopobota naevana Common Birch Bell - Epinotia immundana Pine Bell - Epinotia rubiginosana


Bramble Shoot Moth - Notocella uddmanniana

Yellow-faced Bell - Notocelia cynosbatella Triple-blotched Bell - Notocelia trimaculana Spotted Shoot Moth - Rhyacionia pinivorana Sharp-winged Drill - Dichrorampha acuminatana Pea Moth - Cydia nigricana

Grey Gorse Piercer - Cydia ulicetana Deep-brown Piercer - Grapholita tenebrosana The Codling - Cydia pomonella Pigmy Y Piercer - Pammene populana Marbled Piercer - Cydia splendana

Marbled Piercer - Cydia splendana Acorn Piercer - Pammene fasciana Acorn Piercer - Pammene fasciana Bee Moth - Aphomia sociella Bee Moth - Aphomia sociella

Lesser Wax Moth - Achroia grisella Thistle Ermine - Mylois circumvoluta Grey Knot-horn - Trachycera advenella Rosy Tabby - Endotricha flammealis Rosy Tabby - Endotricha flammealis

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