Red-and-black Froghopper -
vulnerata |
Common Froghopper - Philaenus spumarius |
No common name - Nysius
senecionis |
Cinnamon Bug -
hyoscyami |
Birch Shield Bug - Elasmostethus interstictus |
Hawthorn Shield Bug - Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale |
Hawthorn Shield Bug - Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale |
Green Shield Bug - Palomena prasina |
Bronze Shield Bug - Troilus luridus |
Sloe, or Hairy Shield Bug |
Dolycoris baccarum |
Red-legged Shield Bug - Pentatoma rufipes |
Two-banded Spearhorn - Chrysotoxum Bicinctum |
Marmalade Fly - Episyrphus balteatus |
Common-spotted Field Syrph - Eupeodes luniger |
Shiny-backed Hoverfly - Melanyna umbellatarum |
Pied Hoverfly - Scaeva pyrastri |
The Long Hoverfly - Sphaerophoria scripta |
Common Banded Hoverfly - Syrphus ribesii |
Syrphus torvus |
Cheilosia illustrata |
Pellucid Fly - Volucella pellucens |
Yellow-barred Peat Fly - Sericomyia silentis |
Plain-faced Drone Fly - Eristalis arbustrum |
Tapered Drone Fly - Eristalis pertinax |
Common Drone Fly - Eristalis tenax |
Spare Slot for Expansion |
Spare Slot for Expansion |
The Sun Fly - Helophilus pendulus |
Marsh Tiger Hoverfly - Helophilus hybridus |
Large Tiger Hoverfly - Helophilus trivittatus |
Next -
Wasps, Bees and Miscellaneous |
Contact Website Manager
dave.hatton29@btinternet.com |
Designer Dave Hatton |
Hatton reserves the copyright on all images.
2022 |