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Hedge Garlic (Brassicaceae) of the British Isles

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(Cavara and Grande) (Cavara and Grande)
Brassicales - Brassicaceae Brassicales - Brassicaceae
Hedge Garlic - Alliaria petiolata Hedge Garlic - Alliaria petiolata
(Cavara and Grande) (Cavara and Grande)
Brassicales - Brassicaceae Brassicales - Brassicaceae
Hedge Garlic - Alliaria petiolata Hedge Garlic - Alliaria petiolata

Hedge Garlic:

UK Status: Native and resident.

Flowering Period: April until June.

Appx Height: This plant is a biennial and grows up to 125cm tall, on rare occasions up to 150cm.

Habitat: This plant is also known as 'Garlic Mustard' and 'Jack by the Hedge', and is one of the food plants for the caterpillars of the Orange-tip butterfly. They are found in many places, ranging from hedgerows, ditches, marshland fringes, damp woodland rides and edges, canal sides, roadside verges, gardens, parks and river banks are all likely places.

Comment: In the British Isles this wild flower is fairly common and wide spread. It is also native to Europe as far north as Scandinavia, Central Asia as far east as Northern Pakistan, and Xinjiang in China, also in West Africa, Morocco and Iberia. It was also introduced to North America by early settlers.

(Cavara and Grande) (Cavara and Grande) (Cavara and Grande)  
Brassicales - Brassicaceae Brassicales - Brassicaceae Brassicales - Brassicaceae  
Hedge Garlic - Alliaria petiolata Hedge Garlic - Alliaria petiolata Hedge Garlic - Alliaria petiolata  



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