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White Clover of the British Isles

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(L.) (L.)
Fabales - Fabaceae Fabales - Fabaceae
White Clover- Trifolium repens White Clover- Trifolium repens

White Clover:

UK Status: Resident, and native to the UK.

Flowering Period: From May through to October.

Appx Height: From two or three inches up to about sixteen inches.

Habitat: This plant is mainly a plant of grasslands, though some times can be found in isolation in waste ground and other places.

Comment: Fairly common throughout the British Isles, though not often seen in prolific patches these days. The flowers of the White Clover are very popular with many insects including, bees, butterflies and moths


(L.) (L.) (L.) (L.)
Fabales - Fabaceae Fabales - Fabaceae Fabales - Fabaceae Fabales - Fabaceae
White Clover- Trifolium repens White Clover- Trifolium repens White Clover- Trifolium repens White Clover- Trifolium repens




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Local Ebird Hotspot - Yeadon Tarn, West Yorkshire

Contact Website Manager  dave.hatton29@btinternet.com

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