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A Selection of Noctuidae Moths 73.327 - 73.333

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(Hufnagel 1766) (Hufnagel 1766) (Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761)
Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae
Dark Swordgrass Dark Swordgrass The Flame The Flame The Flame
Agrotis ipsilon Agrotis ipsilon Axylia putris Axylia putris Axylia putris
73.327 BF 2091 73.327 BF 2091 73.328 BF 2098 73.328 BF 2098 73.328 BF 2098

UK Status: Migrant and transitory Resident.

Wing Span: 40mm to 55mm.

Flight Period: March until November.

Habitat: Adult moths can be encountered almost any where.

Comment: This moth is an immigrant, and a transitory resident to the UK. It has been noted from most places, and is fairly common in some years.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 30mm to 36mm.

Flight Period: June and July.

Habitat: A wide variety of places where suitable food plants grow.

Comment: Well distributed to the England, Wales and Ireland, and is common in most places. In Scotland it is less common and more localised, and found mainly in the south.

(Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761) (Linnaeus 1761)    
Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae    
Flame Shoulder Flame Shoulder Flame Shoulder    
Ochropleura plecta Ochropleura plecta Ochropleura plecta    
73.329 BF 2102 73.329 BF 2102 73.329 BF 2102    

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 28mm to 34mm.

Flight Period: April until June, again in August and September.

Habitat: Habitats are extremely varied,  they can be found almost any where including in parks and gardens.

Comment: This species is widely distributed, and common through out the British Isles.

Spare Slot for Expansion

Noctuidae Family

Species 73.334 to 73.3342

continued on the next page

(Freyer 1831) (Freyer 1831) (Hubner 1813) (Hubner 1813) (Fabricius 1775)
Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae
Radford's Flame Shoulder Radford's Flame Shoulder Barred Chestnut Barred Chestnut Ingrailed Clay
Ochropleura leucogaster Ochropleura leucogaster Diarsia dalli E Diarsia mendica
73.330 BF 2102a 73.330 BF 2102a 73.331 BF 2121 73.331 BF 2121 73.333 BF 2120

UK Status: Probably an Immigrant.

Wing Span: 34mm to 37mm.

Flight Period: April to June, again in August and September.

Habitat: Woodland, heaths, commons, waste ground, parks, suburban gardens and places where the food plants grow.

Comment: This moth is a suspected immigrant to the UK. There are a few records from the south of Britain.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 32mm to 42mm.

Flight Period: August and September.

Habitat: Habitats for this moth are moors, deciduous wood land and occasionally suburban gardens.

Comment:  Fairly common, and wide spread in Scotland, Wales, northern and central England. Fairly common in parts of Surrey, rare else where.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 28mm to 36mm.

Flight Period: June into August.

Habitat: Many and varied, they can be encountered in most places, including parks and gardens.

Comment: Widely distributed through out the British Isles. This must be the most variable species of the British Noctuidae family.

(Fabricius 1775) (Fabricius 1775) (Fabricius 1775) (Fabricius 1775) (Fabricius 1775)
Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae Noctuidae - Noctuinae
Ingrailed Clay Ingrailed Clay Ingrailed Clay Ingrailed Clay Ingrailed Clay
Diarsia mendica Diarsia mendica Diarsia mendica Diarsia mendica Diarsia mendica
73.333 BF 2120 73.333 BF 2120 73.333 BF 2120 73.333 BF 2120 73.333 BF 2120


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