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Java Sparrow - Mongolia & China - Asia

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(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Passeriformes - Estrildidae Passeriformes - Estrildidae
Java Sparrow - Lonchura oryzivora Java Sparrow - Lonchura oryzivora

Java Sparrow:  

UK Status: Non resident, introduced to zoos and parks.

Habitat: This bird is to be found in Java, Bali, Bawean islands, and also in Indonesia. These birds are very gregarious, and are often seen in large flocks where agriculture is present. They eat seed crops, at times they have been a pest in rice fields.

Breeding: Nests are built in trees or in buildings, and these birds are quite comfortable being around human habitation. The nests are deep cups made from straw or grass, there are between four to eight white coloured eggs per clutch. Each female can produce an average of twenty eight eggs in the breeding season, in successive clutches.

Comment: This species is not a sparrow as it's name suggests, but is actually a finch, which you can tell by the appearance of it's beak. This species is a popular cage bird, and has been introduced to many other countries.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Passeriformes - Estrildidae Passeriformes - Estrildidae Passeriformes - Estrildidae Passeriformes - Estrildidae
Java Sparrow - Lonchura oryzivora Java Sparrow - Lonchura oryzivora Java Sparrow - Lonchura oryzivora Java Sparrow - Lonchura oryzivora




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