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A Selection of Micro Moths 49.091 - 49.157

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(Fabricius1775) (Fabricius1775) (Haworth 1811) (Haworth 1811) (Douglas 1846)
Tortricidae - Tortricinae Tortricidae - Tortricinae Tortricidae - Tortricinae Tortricidae - Tortricinae Tortricidae - Tortricinae
Yellow-spot Tortrix Yellow-spot Tortrix Straw Conch Straw Conch Large Saltmarsh Conch-
Pseudagyrotoza conwagana Pseudagyrotoza conwagana Cochylimorpha straminae Cochylimorpha straminae Phalonidia affinitana
49.091   BF 1011 49.091   BF 1011 49.097    BF 936 49.097    BF 936 49.103    BF  932

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 11mm to 15mm.

Flight Period: May to July.

Habitat: Habitats are mainly woodland, and some other places like parks and gardens, and where its food plants, Ash and Privet are present.

Comment: This is a quite common in many parts of the UK, it is less common in the northern half of Britain.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 10mm to 16mm

Flight Period: May and July, again in August and September.

Habitat: This tortrix moth is found in many places where the food plant, Knapweed  occurs.

Comment:  This moth is well distributed over most of the British Isles, and is a fairly common.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Douglas 1846)
Tortricidae - Tortricinae Tortricidae - Tortricinae Tortricidae - Olethreutinae Tortricidae - Olethreutinae Tortricidae - Tortricinae
Common Yellow Conch Common Yellow Conch Diamond-back Marble Diamond-back Marble Large Saltmarsh Conch
Agapeta hamana Agapeta hamana Eudemis profundana Eudemis profundana Phalonidia affinitana
49.109    BF 937 49.109    BF 937 49.144    BF 1113 49.144    BF 1113 49.103    BF  932

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 15mm to 24mm.

Flight Period: June into August.

Habitat: Many places where Thistle, the larval food plant are present.

Comment: This species is a common resident, and is well distributed throughout most of Britain. It is a distinctive yellow species, but can be straw coloured.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 12mm to 15mm.

Flight Period: June into August.

Habitat:  Its habitats are salt marshes, where it's food plant Sea Aster grows.

Comment: This moth is common locally in the southern UK. It is also found as far north as  Cumbria. It is also found along the south & east coast of Ireland, and a couple of area's in Scotland.

(Hubner 1817) (Hubner 1817) (Hubner 1799) (Hubner 1799) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775)
Tortricidae - Olethreutinae Tortricidae - Olethreutinae Tortricidae - Olethreutinae Tortricidae - Olethreutinae Tortricidae - Olethreutinae
Sallow Marble Sallow Marble Plum Tortrix Plum Tortrix Diamond-back Marble
Apotomis capreana Apotomis capreana Hedya pruniana Hedya pruniana Eudemis profundana
49.151    BF 1094 49.151    BF 1094 49.157    BF 1082 49.157    BF 1082 49.144    BF 1113

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 17mm to 22mm.

Flight Period: June to October.

Habitat: Woods and bushy places where the foodplant Sallow grows.

Comment: This moth is not very common, and is present mainly in the south of England and Wales. There are scattered records from other parts of the UK, including Scotland.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 15mm to 18mm.

Flight Period: June into August.

Habitat: Woodland, hedges, thickets and gardens where it's food plant, Blackthorn is abundant.

Comment: This moth is quite common throughout the British Isles, as far north as East, and West Ross-shire.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 14mm to 20mm.

Flight Period: July and August.

Habitat: Habitats include wood land, parks, gardens, hedgerows, motorway embankments and where ever there are Oak trees.

Comment: This species is not very common but is well distributed throughout England, Wales and Ireland.

(Haworth 1811) (Haworth 1811) (Haworth 1811)    
Tortricidae - Olethreutinae Tortricidae - Olethreutinae Tortricidae - Olethreutinae    
Marbled Orchard Tortrix Marbled Orchard Tortrix Marbled Orchard Tortrix    
Hedya nubiferana Hedya nubiferana Hedya nubiferana    
49.156   BF 1083 49.156   BF 1083 49.156   BF 1083    

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 15mm to 21mm.

Flight Period: June into August.

Habitat: Woodland, heath and, commons, waste ground, parks, suburban gardens and other places where Hawthorn and Blackthorn grow. plants grow.

Comment:  This species is fairly common throughout the British Isles.

Spare slot for expansion

Species 49.161 to 49.240

continued on the next page


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