Spruce Carpet - Thera britannica |
Spruce Carpet - Thera britannica |
Spruce Carpet - Thera britannica |
Small Phoenix - Ecliptopera
silaceata |
Small Phoenix - Ecliptopera
silaceata |
Red-green Carpet - Chloroclysta
siterata |
Red-green Carpet - Chloroclysta
siterata |
Red-green Carpet - Chloroclysta
siterata |
Red-green Carpet - Chloroclysta
siterata |
Common Marbled Carpet - Chloroclysta truncata |
Common Marbled Carpet - Chloroclysta truncata |
Dark Marbled Carpet - Chloroclysta citrata
Dark Marbled Carpet - Chloroclysta citrata |
Dark Marbled Carpet - Chloroclysta citrata |
Green Carpet - Colostygia pectinataria |
Mottled Grey - Colostygia
multistrigaria |
Winter Moth - Operophttera brumata |
Winter Moth - Operophttera brumata |
Chimney Sweeper - Odezia atrata |
Small Rivulet - Perizoma alchemillata |
Grass Rivulet - Perizoma albulata albulata |
Double-striped Pug - Gymnoscelis rufifasciata |
The V Pug - Chloroclystis v-ata |
Green Pug - Pasiphila rectangulata |
Foxglove Pug - Eupithecia pulchellata |
Brindled Pug - Eupithecia abbreviata |
Oak-tree Pug- Eupithecia dodoneata |
Juniper Pug - Eupithecia pussilata pussilata |
White-spotted Pug - Eupithecia tripunctaria |
Currant Pug - Eupithecia assimilata |
Next - More Macro
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dave.hatton29@btinternet.com |
Designer Dave Hatton |
Hatton reserves the copyright on all images.
2022 |