Orange Swift - Hepialus sylvina |
Common Swift - Hepialus lupulinus |
Map-winged Swift - Hepialus fusconebulosa |
Gold Swift - Hepialus hecta |
Ghost Moth - Hepialus humuli |
Ghost Moth - Hepialus humuli |
Six-spot Burnet - Zygaena filipendulae |
Five-spot Burnet - Zygaena trifolii trifolii |
Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet
- Zygaena latomarginata |
Scalloped Hook-tip - Falcaria
lacertinaria |
Pebble Hook-tip - Drepana falcataria |
Pebble Hook-tip - Drepana falcataria |
Chinese Character - Cilix glaucata |
Buff Arches - Habrosyne pyritoides |
Figure of Eighty - Tethae ocularis octogesimae |
Oak Eggar - Lasiocampa quercus (callunae) |
The Drinker - Philudoria potatoria |
The Drinker - Philudoria potatoria |
Lime Hawk Moth - Mimas tiliae |
Eyed Hawk Moth - Smerinthus ocellata |
Poplar Hawk Moth - Laothoe
populi |
Poplar Hawk Moth - Laothoe
populi |
Poplar Hawk Moth - Laothoe
populi |
Broad-bordered Bee Hawk - Hemaris fuciformis |
Elephant Hawk Moth - Deilephila elpnor |
Dwarf Cream Wave - Idaea fuscovenos |
Small Dusty Wave - Idaea seriata |
Single-dotted Wave - Idaea dimidiata |
Small Fan-footed Wave - Idaea biselata |
Next - More Macro
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2022 |