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Black headed Gull in breeding plumage Black headed Gull adult -turning Black headed Gull young - winter plumage Lesser Black-backed Gull
Greater Black-backed Gull

Common Tern Northern Lapwing Oyster Catcher Green Sandpiper Black-winged Stilt

Ruff Pied Avocet Black-tailed Godwit Common Snipe Redshank

Atlantic Puffin Common Guillemot Razorbill Shag juvenile Greater Cormorant

Northern Gannet Grey Heron Little Egret Great White Egret Pheasant (male)


Pheasant (female) Reed Bunting Kingfisher Bearded Reedling Grey Wagtail

Great Tit

Pied Wagtail Bullfinch (male) Bullfinch (female) Goldfinch Chaffinch (male)

Chaffinch (female)

Great Tit

Blue Tit

Long-tailed tit Tit




Song Thrush

Blackbird (male

Blackbird (female)





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