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Some of My Best Bird Images from 2024

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  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  The Best of 2024 so Far  
  STAR IMAGE OF 2024 Some More Great Pictures from 2024

2024 What a good start considering the weather.

Has got off to a good start, especially considering the seemingly perpetually dark, overcast wet weather that we have experienced this 2023/2024 winter. It's been difficult in those conditions to get sharp pictures, impaticulary distance shots have been very trying. Above, and too the side, is a selection of my best images from January, February, March and April up until now. Seem to be having a bit of a duck where new species are concerned. My 2024 new species duck seems to be ending in the first half of April. Five new species of wild flowers, and two new birds have been added to my portfolio.

Gadwall Duck - Shelduck - Green-winged Teal Common Pochard - Goosander - Herring Gull Northern Lapwing - Oyster Catcher - Feral Bullfinch - Chaffinch - Robin - Blue Tit Goldfinch - Common Pheasant

Had a weeks holiday in Norfolk in early June, where I acquired many new images were for my portfolio. Some are listed below.

Ruff - Black-tailed Godwit - Black-winged Stilt - Fulvous Whistling-duck - Pied Avocet - Bearded Tit - Black-headed Ibis - Eurasian Jackdaw Garganey Duck - Common Goldeneye - Barnacle Geese.

Since then we have been to RSPB Bempton,  RSPB Fairburn Ings and Lotherton Hall. Added a few photo's to my portfolio, including the cheeky squirrel and Red Deer.

Chaffinch - Grey Squirrel - Dunnock - Puffin - Razorbill - Barn Swallow Guillemot - Kittiwake - Baer's Pochard - Inca Tern - Chaffinch - Red Deer White-faced Whistling Duck








Contact Website Manager  dave.hatton29@btinternet.com   Web Designer Dave Hatton  Dave Hatton reserves the copyright on all images.  © 2022