Species List                            A list of all species on the Hattons Garden website - Page 7

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Quick Bird ID Guide


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  Quick Insect ID Guide
  Water Fowl   Water Fowl cont ....   Water Fowl cont ....   Garden & Hedgerow Birds    
  Atlantic Puffin   Great White Egret   Redshank   Barn Swallow    
  Barnacle Geese   Green Sandpiper   Ruddy Shelduck   Blackbird    
  Bar-headed Geese   Grey Heron   Ruff   Blue Tit    
  Black-headed Gull   Greylag Goose   Shelduck   Carrion Crow    
  Black-legged Kittiwake   Grey Wagtail   Tufted Duck   Chaffinch    
  Black-tailed Godwit   Great-crested Grebe   Yellow-legged Gull   Common Starling    
  Black-winged Stilt   Herring Gull       Common Swift    
  Bufflehead Duck   Hybrid Geese       Dunnock    
  Canada Geese   Lesser Black-backed Gull       Eurasian Bullfinch    
  Common Goldeneye   Little Egret   Birds of the Fields & Hedgerows   Eurasian Magpie    
  Common Guillemot   Little Grebe   Rook   Eurasian Jay    
  Common Gull   Mallard   Common Pheasant   European Goldfinch    
  Common Snipe   Mallard Hybrids       European Jackdaw    
  Common Tern   Mandarin Duck   Birds of Rivers & Streams   European Robin    
  Coot   Moorhen   European Kingfisher   Feral Pigeon    
  Egyptian Goose   Mute Swan       House Sparrow    
  Eurasian Green-winged Teal   Northern Gannet   Birds of the Waters Edge   Long-tailed Tit    
  European Shag   Northern Lapwing   Bearded Tit   Rock Dove    
  Ferruginous Duck   Northern Shoveler       Song Thrush    
  Gadwall   Oyster Catcher   Pied Wagtail   Stock Dove    
  Garganey Duck   Pied Avocet   Reed Bunting   Tree Sparrow    
  Goosander   Pochard Duck       Turtle Dove    
  Great Cormorant   Razorbill   Birds of Prey   Wood Pigeon    
  Great-spotted Woodpecker   Red-breasted Geese   Red Kite        
  Greater Black-backed Gull   Red-crested Pochard   Great Grey Owl        
  Contact Website Manage dave.hatton29@btinternet.com               Web Designer Dave Hatton               Dave Hatton reserves the copyright on all images.  © 2022